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I. Orientation of Pelvis

II. Osteology

III. Joints

IV. Ligaments

V. Pelvic Musculature

VI. Perineum

[WebLecture Slide 01 320x240 pixels]

WebLecture Slide 01

Following is a lecture developed for the first year class in Human Gross Anatomy, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The lecture is meant to be an organizational tool for the basics of the anatomy of the  pelvis and perineum. Skeletal anatomy and major soft tissue structures are emphasized, as it is important that these things are mastered, before the minutia of internal anatomy of the pelvis and perineum and the differences between males and females are introduced. An emphasis on orientation is evident as gross dissection, physical examination and surgical approaches all differ in access to the structures and much confusion arises when the pelvic and perineal structures are approached from various views and postures. Learning the structures in anatomical position and remembering that these associations remain whether approaching from the abdomen (internally) or from the base of the perineum (externally) will help to organize the learning process. Lecture notes are meant as a study guide and a review resource once the lecture has been received. The material here is meant to be accompanied by gross dissection in the laboratory.
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