Tutorial: Static Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall.

His pleural pressure ( Ppl) can be measured (via an esophageal balloon) as -3 cm H20. Thus the recoil pressure of the lung (Palv- Ppl) equals 0-(-3), or +3 cm H20.

This means that at RV (roughly 20% TLC), this person's lung is exerting a pressure of 3 cm H20 to recoil inward, and must be balanced by a distending pleural pressure 3 cm H20 less than his alveolar pressure to keep the lung open.

Notice a plot point is placed on the graph at the coordinates of 20% TLC and +3 cm H20.

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Last modified, October 23, 1995
© Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 1994
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