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I. Orientation of Pelvis  

II. Osteology  

III. Joints  

IV. Ligaments  

V. Pelvic Musculature  

VI. Perineum

[WebLecture Slide 14 320x240 pixels]
WebLecture Slide 14
The paired inguinal ligaments (only the left is shown here) pass from anterior superior iliac spine to the ipsilateral pubic tubercle. The ligament is actually the rolled, inferior border of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. This ligament forms the floor of the inguinal canal.   

The paired sacroiliac ligaments and iliolumbar ligaments, named for their attachment sites, help to stabilize the sacroiliac joint. There are both ventral (anterior) and posterior sacroiliac ligaments (ventral shown here; lumbar vertebrae not shown).   
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