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I. Orientation of Pelvis 

II. Osteology 

III. Joints 

IV. Ligaments 

V. Pelvic Musculature 

VI. Perineum

[WebLecture Slide 41 320x240 pixels]
WebLecture Slide 41

The main view in this slide is from an inferior perspective.  A lateral view is shown in the upper right corner.  The schematic in the lower right represents the layers of the UG diaphragm: a thin muscular layer surrounded by layers of  superior and inferior fascia.

The named muscles of the deep perineal space include the deep transverse perineal muscle (transversus perinei profundus) and the sphincter urethra muscle.  The sphincter urethra muscle surrounds the membranous urethra at the level of the deep perineal space and the neck of the bladder.  In the male, central fibers continue into the prostate.  The deep transverse perineal muscles take their origin from the ischial rami and cross laterally just anterior to the anus to join the muscle of the other side.  The deep dorsal nerve and vein of the clitoris (in females, of the penis in males) are transmitted thourgh the UG diaphragm at the transverse perineal ligament.  
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