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I. Orientation of Pelvis

II. Osteology

III. Joints

IV. Ligaments

V. Pelvic Musculature

VI. Perineum

[WebLecture Slide 40 320x240 pixels]

WebLecture Slide 40

The urogenital triangle consists of muscles and fascial layers that are difficult to dissect and therefore often unappreciated (or seen!) in the cadaver. This introduction will help to prepare you for dissection. We present a general summary of this region and indicate male/female differences. Be sure to view dissections of both male and female cadavers in the laboratory. The main view in this slide is from an inferior perspective.  A lateral view is shown in the upper right corner. The schematic in the lower right represents the layers of the UG diaphragm: a thin muscular layer surrounded by layers of  superior and inferior fascia.

There is both a superficial and deep group of muscles in the urogenital triangle. We focus here on the deep group. Many presentations of the perineum take an approach that begins with the superficial structures, working through them to expose the deeper structures. Since we have presented the pelvic diaphragm first, we will continue our presentation with the deep group and then consider the superficial group. Muscles of the superficial group (the superficial urogenital muscles that occupy the superficial perineal space) will be discussed only briefly as these structures will be covered in more detail in following lectures.

The deep space of the urogenital triangle contains a thin sheet of muscle that stretches between the ischiopubic rami. The body of this muscle, with some regions being named, is sandwiched between two fascial layers, one deep or superior (closer to the pelvic diaphragm) and one more superficial or inferior (closer to the superficial perineal muscles). Shown in this diagram is the deepest of the two facial layers, the superior fascia of the urogenital triangle.
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